Job in digital marketing
Finding your first job in digital marketing may seem like a challenge.since you don’t have experience, they don’t hire you, and since they don’t hire you, you can’t gain experience.
But all is not lost: it is not only possible to put your head into this industry, but the job in digital marketing is one of the most demanded today . If you want to know all the secrets to find your first job in digital marketing, don’t miss this article!.
The keys to find a Job in digital marketing
Here I am going to leave you with a few ideas on how to find that first job dreamed of by all the young women who have finished their studies. It may seem like a complicated path at first, but the main thing is not to lose heart and be patient. Yes, I said so. Have a lot of patience, more patience and a little more patience. Because this is how you will get to see results.
1) Set your goals
It happens with everything in life: to reach your goals, you have to know what they are first. ” Finding a job in digital marketing ” is a good start, but it’s too broad. So to guide your search, try to narrow it down a bit more by answering these questions:
- Do you prefer to work for an advertising agency, in the marketing department of a company, or as a freelancer?
- What types of brands would you like to work for?
- What aspects of digital marketing would you like to specialize in? For example, big data analytics, SEM, SEO, social media marketing, content marketing …
2) Research the companies

Thanks to the internet, it is easier than ever to obtain information about your future employers. If you have already identified the type of client you would like to work for, the next step is to research companies near you. What are your values and work culture? Do you have a “jobs” section on your website ? What do you think they are looking for in an employee? Can you seek opinions from other people who have worked there?
3) Update and train
Do you think you have finished studying? Well you’re wrong for sure. And is that one of the things that makes working in our sector interesting is that it is constantly evolving.
Good digital marketing professionals do not stop training after finding their first job. In fact, they are continually recycling themselves to keep abreast of new tools and trends in the sector and thus be able to offer the best to their customers.
Today, there are many free training options with platforms like Coursera . You can also be updated more informally, following the most relevant accounts in the sector. Whatever you do, don’t stay behind!
4) Take care of your cover letter
In today’s job market, every job offer attracts hundreds of resumes. But there is a weapon that many times falls into oblivion and that can be definitive so that they look at yours: the cover letter.
Today, most cover letters are the email you send your resume to. Don’t just copy and paste a standard template – put your creativity to the test to make yours stand out and grab attention from the front line. And of course, don’t forget to adapt it to each individual company. Copying and pasting is going to end!
5) Have a presence on social networks

If you want to work in digital marketing , you have to show that you know how it works. And what better way than through your own presence in networks?
A careful Twitter and LinkedIn will make you add many points for future employers. But it is also that in these networks there is a lot of activity related to job offers, so you will kill two birds with one stone.
6) Create your own website / blog
Your website is your cover letter par excellence, a way to attract the attention of human resources professionals and demonstrate what you are worth. If you want to find your first job in digital marketing , the professional website is an investment that is always worth it. You don’t have to complicate your life too much: a simple, clean and well-designed website can be even better than one that is packed with content.
Where you should create the more content the better it is on your blog. Personally, I recommend that every marketing student has one even before the end of the training. Through your posts, you can demonstrate your knowledge of the sector and above all, a quality that enthuses employers: passion for what you do.
7) Show what you are worth with real projects
You may not have worked for any major brand yet, but don’t let that stop you from starting to gain experience. Do you have a family member or acquaintance with a business, or do you collaborate in a charitable cause? You can offer them your time and services in exchange for letting you show the results.
8) Diversify your skills
If you want to find a job in digital marketing, you have to know about digital marketing … but there are many other skills that can become a plus. For example, marketers capable of taking great photos and videos or designing are in high demand.
Another aspect to consider when it comes to “selling yourself” are the topics in which you are already an expert almost without realizing it. For example, if traveling is your passion, it can be a great plus when it comes to finding work in digital marketing for brands in the tourism sector.
9) Get familiar with the tools professionals use
One of the problems of hiring a “newbie” is the time lost in training. You can overcome this handicap in part by learning about the tools used in digital marketing (there are a lot of lists in industry blogs) and learning to use them on your own, even at a basic level.
10) Don’t despair!

When we have just finished studying, the job outlook may seem very black to us. But the truth is that all marketing professionals , including managers, have started somewhere sometime. So to find your first job in digital marketing , my best advice is the simplest: be patient and keep insisting. Before you know it, you will be the one giving advice to newcomers.